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Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008


Visual Basic Programmer’s Guide to the .NET Framework Class Library is the definitive guide every Visual Basic .NET developer needs to understand the capabilities of .NET name-spaces and increase productivity inside the .NET framework. Lars Powersand Mike Snell have provided a comprehensive book that details the capabilities of the key namespaces, and then explains how to leverage them by extension applications ranging from simple to complex. or reference to create.

Each chapter provides a brief introduction to the selected technology, followed by detailed suggestions, reference ,material, and a sample application that illustrates common programming tasks using the classes, interfaces, delegates, and events of a specific .NET name-space. This book answers the primary questions that VB .NET developers will face as they start developing code in the .NET environment, including: What does the .NET class library provide me in terms of re-usable code? Are there .NET structures available that I can use to accomplish a specific task? How do I go about interfacing with the .NET framework through my code?

Visual Basic Programmer’s Guide to the .NET Framework Class Library is acomprehensive guide as you learn how to use the .NET Framework classes, then it will become a trusted reference as your experience and needs grow in the world of .NET.

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Power Excel and Word

Power Excel and Word

Product Description
“Best-selling author Gookin…keeps readers laughing while he takes them from being a ho-hum user to an advanced office maven.”
—Charles Carr, ComputorEdge Magazine, www.computoredge.com

Just about anyone can slap together a Word document or fill an Excel grid with numbers, but power users understand how to tap into the full functionality of these applications. Best-selling author Dan Gookin skips what you already know and takes you directly to the best and most useful parts of Word and Excel–the commands, shortcuts, and combinations of functions that will give your creations that extra-added wow factor.

The only book to focus exclusively on these two critical applications, Power Excel and Word teaches you how to harness their power and avoid their pitfalls in one compact volume. By following step-by-step tutorials, you’ll discover how to work faster, easier, and smarter. Learn essential techniques you’ll use every day, including how to:

  • Precisely format a paragraph in Word
  • Manipulate drawings and pictures in a document
  • Created your own custom tool bars
  • Know when to use a table in Word and when to insert an Excel worksheet
  • Embellish your documents and reports
  • Generate sophisticated charts and graphs by importing Web-based content
  • Use styles and templates to save oodles of time
  • Protect your documents against unwanted changes
  • Employ Excel as a database manager
  • Share your work with others
  • Produce a list in Excel as a mail merge database for Word
  • And much, much more!

Most Office books are boring and quickly go out of date. Dan Gookin takes a uniquely entertaining approach designed to increase your skills, whether you’re using Office 2003, office XP or Office 2000. And many of these tricks are even effective in Office 97!


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Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008

Women In Islam And Refutation Of Some Common Misconceptions

Women In Islam And Refutation Of Some Common Misconceptions

Abdul-Rahman Al-Sheha | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 139 | Size: 2 MB
Various calls for women’s freedom, liberation and equal rights have been heard all over the world, and many slogans have been coined for the marches. In some societies women have indeed lived under oppression, cruelty and injustice, and have been denied basic rights of humanity. Nor is it denied that some Muslims have deviated from the Islamic principles and teachings. Islamic law, on the other hand, has quarantined women’s rights in a comprehensive and balanced system of human rights and obligations. Close examination of the slogans propagated by the international women’s liberation movements show that they revolve around the three elements: women’s liberation; equal rights with men; women’s rights. We will examine them in the light of Islamic law and teachings, regardless of the practices of some of the ignorant and deviant Muslims.

This book deals with the following questions and issues:

- State of women through the ages: Women in the Pre- Islamic Arab Society; Indian Society; Chinese Society; Greek Society; Roman Society; Traditional Jewish Society; Traditional Christian Society; Modern Secular Society

- Matters in which Men and Women are Equal in Islam: In basic humanity; In Application of Obligations; In rewards and punishments in this worldly life and the hereafter; In ownership and the freedom of financial transaction; In preserving the honor and nobility; In mandatory education; In bearing responsibility towards reforming the society.

- Women’s status and rights in various stages of life in the Muslim society: as a baby, child and young girl; as a sister; as a wife; as a mother; as kinsfolk and neighbor, and as a woman in general.

- Misconceptions about Women’s rights and obligations in Islam and their refutation: On polygamy; On leadership and responsibility; On the Marriage Contract and Guardianship; On wife beating; On honor killing; On divorce; On testimony; On inheritance; On blood money; On employment; On Hijab (covering head and face)

Table of Contents:

# Foreword of Translator
# Preface
# Introduction
# Demands about Women’s Rights
# Status of Women throughout the Ages: Women in the Pre-Islamic Societies and Civilizations
# Women’s Rights in Islam: in general, as children and daughters, as sisters, as wives, as mothers.
o Care for Women in General, and the Equality of Men and Women in Islam, and their complementary nature to one another
o Women as Children and Daughters
o Women as Wives
o Women as Mothers
o Women as Kinfolks and Neighbors
o Misconceptions about Women in Islam
o Polygamy in Islamo
Power of Guardianship in the Marriage Contract
o Financial and Moral Responsibilities of the Household
o Wife Beating
o Honor Killing
o Power to Divorce is with Man
o Women’s Rights of Inheritance
o Blood Money
o Testimony of Women
o - Travel Without Closely Related Male Escort
o - Women’s Right to Work
o - On Hijab (covering head & face)
# Conclusion

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Advance Technique in Pool and Billiards


Advance Technique in Pool and Billiards | PDF | 7.72 MB
Author: Robert Byrne | Harcormt Javanvich Publishing | 256 Page | ISBN: N/A


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1000 Photoshop Tricks Book Free Download

1000 PhotoShop Tricks

Worth 1000 Photoshop Tricks is one of the best books you can have about photoshop, written by an expert designer.
Description: This book contains 1000 cool photoshop effects and tutorials. Pictures are included along the way, along with descriptive explanations of each step.

- Motion Pictures
- Turning a Character Into a Puppet
- Out of Bounds
- Creating Rain
- Creating a Wormhole
- Creating Fur
- Motion Tweens and Guides [Flash]
- Making Graffiti
- Turning a Character Into a Zombie
- Perspective
- Gender Blending
- Face Swapping
- Tattoos
- Displacement Maps and Textures
And many, many more!

Worth 1000 Photoshop Tricks
Author(s): Lokale Schijf
Pages: 326
Size: 29 MB
File Format: PDF


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Essential LightWave v9: The Fastest and Easiest Way to Master LightWave 3D

Essential LightWave v9

Essential LightWave v9

Product Description
Essential LightWave v9 offers an unparalleled developmen tstrategy for graphic designers, illustrators, video producers, motion graphic artists, visual effects artists, and animators who are interested in getting the most out of LightWave 3D. As the book touches on nearly every aspect of the software, it is ideal for all skill levels.


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Direct3D Programming Kick Start

Direct3D Programming Kick Start

Direct3D Programming Kick Start

Product Description

DirectX 9, a brand-new version of Microsoft’s multimedia libraries, features the latest 3D graphics technology in the form of Direct3D 9. Direct3D Programming will cover everything a C++ programmer needs to know in order to use Direct3D 9 to create interactive 3D worlds. The book begins with an overview of basic Windows and 3D programming techniques and works its way through the library, starting with getting Direct3D up-and-running all the way to more advanced topics such as textures, lighting, and fog. All concepts and programming techniques are demonstrated in example programs that the reader can build himself using detailed step-by-step instructions.


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Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008

Animation Magazine September 2008

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Female Orgasm Black Book

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e - book : Female Orgasm Black Book

You’re About To Learn Secrets That Most Men (And Women) Will Never Know About The Female G-Spot And How A Few Simple Techniques Will Allow You To Give Her Mind Numbing, Leg Shaking Orgasm ...

downlad at

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Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008

How To Use Web 2.0 Websites To Make Money

Cashing with Web2.0 Websites

How To Use Web 2.0 Websites To Make Money! Free Ebook Download

Table of Contents
Intro To Web 2.0
What Exactly Is Web 2.0
Types of Web 2.0 sites

What is Social Networking?
Why Social Networking Sites Are So Popular
Popular Social Networking Websites
MySpace: One Of The Largest Social Networking Websites
Social Bookmarking
Taging: What is it and why it’s important to your site
Here Are Some Of The Biggest Social Networking & Social Bookmarking Sites

Video Sites
Introduction to Podcasting
Who Can Make Money With Podcasting?
Why Would People Pay For Podcast Programming When Radio Is Free?
Direct or Indirect Revenue Streams
What Are The Other Uses For Podcasting?

Non-Commercial (or Semi-Commercial) Uses of Podcasting
A Podcast By Any Other Name…
Web 2.0 Conclusion


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Find the right medium for your message—and your budget with

Praise for the First Edition

“Mr. Hahn’s background in an industry where the creative stretching of promotional budgets is a daily necessity serves well the reader of this book. His advice is both practical and imaginative, and delivered with wit as well as wisdom.” —Andrew McNally III, Chairman of the Board, Rand McNally.

Getting the word out about your business has never been easier. The brand new edition of this comprehensive guide gives you complete practical coverage of today’s major forms of advertising, including up-to-date information on the latest techniques using the Internet, desktop publishing, broadcast fax technology, and more.

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Kama-sutra para la mujer

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Alicia Gallotti fue periodista, escritora y articulista durante más de diez años de la revista
Playboy. Es especialista en temas vinculados con las relaciones de pareja, y actualmente
colabora en diversas publicaciones femeninas españolas, en las que aborda temas sexuales desde
su enfoque práctico y psicológico. Entres sus últimos títulos publicados destacan Placer sin
límites, El nuevo Kamasutra ilustrado, Guía sexual para adolescentes, Nosotras que nos
quisimos tanto, Kama-sutra para el hombre y Kama-sutra para la mujer.
Alicia Gallotti
Kama-sutra para la mujer
Este libro ayuda a conocerlos secretos del desconocido y complejo universo de la sexualidad
femenina, sin tabúes ni falsos mitos. Acompañado de numerosas ilustraciones, abarca todos los
temas que interesan a quienes deseen disfrutar de un erotismo plenamente imaginativo. Para que
ella se lance con libertad a conocer su cuerpo y él comprenda las claves para estimularla hasta el
máximo grado de excitación.

El mapa erógeno de la mujer • Lo femenino como identidad • El arte de excitar a una mujer •
Las claves para ser un mejor amante • La importancia del clítoris • Fantasías • La primera vez •
Embarazo y sexo • Los problemas sexuales más frecuentes.
Una obra directa y concisa, imprescindible para llegar a ser un mejor amante.


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Microsoft Mobile Development Handbook

book cover

Learn the essentials for developing mobile applications for any device. Focusing on proven techniques and practices, this guide addresses the real-world needs of experienced Microsoft Windows mobile developers. Users are growing increasingly dependent on mobile devices, and with innovations that make it easy to manage data synchronization, this proliferation will continue. Developers need to respond to this evolution with more than simple adaptations of the user interface–they need to implement mobile solutions for most of their applications. From expert authors with years of real-world experience, this book addresses this evolution, covering key mobile-development topics, including design, debugging, deployment, performance optimization, security, and globalization.

It also covers mobile applications that use Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 2.0, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Edition, and Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0, running on devices such as Pocket PCs and Windows Mobile Smartphones. In addition, it includes extensive code samples in Microsoft Visual C#.

This book is a practical guide to developing applications for the .NET Compact Framework running on Microsoft Windows CE- and Windows Mobile-powered mobile devices. This is one of the first books on the market that directly addresses version 2.0 of the .NET Compact Framework, including the differences between version 1.0 and version 2. This is especially timely because at the time of this writing retail Windows Mobile devices containing version 2.0 in ROM are just beginning to show up on shelves in large volumes.

The authors not only explain what the new features in version 2 are, but they provide straightforward explanations of why the new features are useful, and how they can be effectively used to improve your own mobile applications. The book also takes a first look at the forthcoming version 3.5 of the .NET Compact Framework as well, providing an interesting preview of additional features and improvements that will arrive in Microsoft Visual Studio Code Name "Orcas"-features such as compression, unit testing support, and compact versions of Language Integrated Query(LINQ) and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).

Although this book would be useful to anyone interested in writing applications for smart devices, it will be most useful for the experienced desktop .NET developer who is interested in branching out to devices for the first time. The advice contained in this volume doesn't get bogged down in theory or esoterica. Instead, it provides practical guidelines and knowledge for writing efficient and functional mobile software. It is full of useful code samples and examples that you can use to turbocharge your own device development. It doesn't assume that devices exist in a vacuum, understanding instead that your application may be part of an overall architecture involving desktop computers, servers, and so forth. And it addresses not just writing your application and getting it to function correctly, but also performance and deployment of your applications-difficult areas that may surprise developers new to the mobile environment.

Chapter 01 - .NET Compact Framework-a Platform on the Move
Chapter 02 - Building a Microsoft Windows Forms GUI
Chapter 03 - Using SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition and Other Data Stores
Chapter 04 - Catching Errors, Testing, and Debugging
Chapter 05 - Understanding and Optimizing .NET Compact Framework Performance
Chapter 06 - Completing the Application-Packaging and Deployment
Chapter 07 - Exchanging Data with Backend Servers
Chapter 08 - Networking
Chapter 09 - Getting Connected
Chapter 10 - Security Programming for Mobile Applications
Chapter 11 - Threading
Chapter 12 - Graphics Programming
Chapter 13 - Direct3D Mobile
Chapter 14 - Interoperating with the Platform
Chapter 15 - Building Custom Controls
Chapter 16 - Internationalization
Chapter 17 - Developing with Windows Mobile

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2DArtist Collection (26 Issue 2006-2008)

Source: Art_link@yahoo.com.vn

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Currency Trader

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Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008

Computer Graphics World August 2008

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Dream Dictionary for Dumm

Dreams! What do they mean? You probably recognize a connection between the dream world and the “real” world, but did you know that you can actually do things to nurture your dream life? Dream Dictionary For Dummies is the fun and fascinating guide that shows you not only how to decode your dreams, but how to remember them and even how to make a dream work for you.

Whether you're already a prolific dreamer or are just peeking into the unknown, you're sure to get results from the insights, techniques, and tips provided in this unique and transforming guide. An A-to-Z list of dream symbols and their meanings helps you make sense of your dreams and harness them to increase your creativity, solve problems, find life purpose, and obtain accurate personal guidance. And, just by reading the dictionary definitions, you'll begin to understand symbology in a much deeper way. You’ll learn how to synchronize your body, emotions, mind, and soul to experience the full meaning of your dreams and, in some cases, make them your reality.Discover how to:

  • Recognize your dream cycles
  • Increase your ability to remember your dreams
  • Keep and use a dream diary
  • Notice your waking dreams
  • Uncover hidden messages in your dreams
  • Focus your dreams to solve problems or make decisions
  • Form a dream support group

So start dreaming and get back to reality with a little help from Dream Dictionary For Dummies.

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PCWorld October 2008



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Mastering the Rules of Competitive Strategy: A Resource Guide for Managers

Mastering the Rules of Competitive Strategy: A Resource Guide for Managers blends selected historical lessons with modern business practice to provide a solid platform on which to understand, develop, and apply competitive business strategies. It identifies commonalities in culture and strategy among businesses that have successfully adapted to changing marketplaces and emerging competitors. The author defines nine distinct rules of strategy to implement in your own company to achieve the same level of success.

Each rule or chapter is supported with real-company examples, quick-tip guidelines, and applications.
Each includes a Strategy Diagnostic Tool to provide a reliable performance measure that supports you in building, evaluating, and monitoring your business strategies. The book emphasizes developing your ability to think and act like a strategist. An outline of a Strategic Business Planin the Appendix provides a starting place for developing your strategies, as well as a format for presenting your ideas to management.

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Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals - George Reis

Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals: A Complete Digital Imaging Course for Investigators has been released. At the end of this post is a link to a sample chapter.

Digital imaging technology has been used in forensics since at least 1992, yet there has been no practical instruction available to address the unique issues of image processing in an everyday forensic environment.

Previous books on imaging forensics did not reach beyond academic theory into everyday practice nor did they focus on Photoshop as the central tool. Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals serves the everyday, real-world needs of law enforcement and legal personnel dealing with digital images (including both photos and video stills). It's an excellent tool for:

* Law enforcement personnel, from crime scene and arson investigators, detectives, and patrol officers to forensic photographers, fingerprint examiners, video analysts, tool mark and footwear examiners, and criminalists.
* Security pros in such fields as private investigation, insurance, fraud detection, and loss prevention.
* Scientific and technical users of Photoshop with workflows similar to law enforcement, such as medical photographers, research imaging experts, engineering and architecture staff, and industrial photographers.
* Staff responsible for maintaining a photo archive or printing images for court.

Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals is the only book that provides specific answers for professionals in these fields to their imaging questions. Its the perfect resource for forensics professionals who want to move beyond the simple theory to learn the essential skills they need to do their job better and more effectively.

Part I: The Essentials is about setting up your workflow, archiving your images, and familiarizing yourself with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Bridge, including the setting up of preferences. Also covered are the best practices in writing reports and providing courtroom testimony.

Part II: The Digital Darkroom teaches how to use Photoshop to accomplish what traditionally was done in the darkroom, from correcting colour casts to making prints and exhibits for courtroom use.

Part III: Image Analysis including various accident and crime scenes that readers can use to practice the techniques from the book while following along with the tutorials. It also includes several scripts, plug-ins, and actions that will enable readers to save time and work more effectively. The book includes a 32-page colour insert section, and Instructor's materials are available so the book can be used for workshops and training seminars.


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The Hidden Power Of Photoshop Elements 4 (2006)

Book Structure

Part I: Consider This Before You Commit to Project Server 2007
In this section, we lay the groundwork for the deployment of Project Server 2007. First we address the things that you should consider before embarking on the journey of implementing Project Server 2007 and its associated tools. This chapter helps to set the expectation that implementing Project Server will not deliver instant results, but rather will take some time to plan and test through an iterative methodology. This section also covers the new architecture of Project Server 2007, as well as its new features.

Part II: Plan for Your Project Server 2007 Implementation
In this section, we will discuss the implementation approaches you may take and the foundations that must be in place for your implementation to have the greatest chance for success. We include some examples of specific processes that may be useful for organizations that do not already have their own methods for performing similar activities (such as requirements gathering and prioritization).

Part III: Details on the Installation and Configuration of Project Server 2007
This section covers the installation of Project Server in various environments, the configuration of your newly installed system, and some of the administrative functions, including desktop deployment. This is the largest part of the book and includes fairly deep information about critical areas such as the security of Project Server in addition to data structure and flow.

Part IV: Project Server 2007 Maintenance
In this section, we discuss migration approaches that you may encounter as well as the fine-tuning of your EPM environment, and we briefly discuss options available for integrating Project Server 2007 with other systems related to your line of business.

Part V: Project Server in Action
This section consists of numerous chapters for reference on how to complete specific tasks in the EPM system based on your role in the system. Because we cover the way that each Project Server role interacts, we had no choice but to make assumptions on the way that the system’s options were configured. We based our assumptions on what we have seen in the field with Project Server 2007, as well as what we had learned from implementations of previous versions. There is also an overview chapter on resource management in Project Server.

As a bonus, an extensive chapter describes how to extend your Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) environment, which may have implications that reach beyond EPM and into the team and departmental workspaces of your organization. The section that follows our discussion of roles focuses on how to extend the collaborative area using WSS 2007 technologies. This chapter also has a section that discusses how to leverage the advanced features that are available in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007. In our opinion, SharePoint collaborative features are too often underused in the Microsoft EPM toolset, so this chapter is pretty deep.

Part VI: Program and Portfolio Management
In this section, we discuss the different techniques used at the managerial level (and up) to understand how your organization is performing at the program level (a group of related projects). It also includes a look at using Project Server in an environment where Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is important.

Because we designed this book as described above, there will be overlap in some of the content. For example, it would be impossible to discuss the role of the resource manager without having overlap with the chapter on resource management. Likewise, Data Analysis views (reports), for example, have to come up in the chapters describing how to configure online analytical processing (OLAP) cube configuration (which data will be gathered for analysis), and when discussing the display side of that data (Manage views). The context of each chapter was used as the basis for determining how to approach this overlap, so here and there you will read very similar information. Remember that we want to support the “reference” concept––that is, to make it easy for you to go back to find information after the initial implementation.

One certainty is that every reader will have a unique experience deploying Project Server 2007, just as each one of our clients chose different paths. You must keep in mind that the success of any Project Server implementation will probably require a marriage of improvements from people, process, and technology perspectives. Organizations need to understand that a full-scale EPM implementation can touch every corner of their business. The benefits of such integration can be enormous, but the cultural change required to facilitate this integration is equally as great.

Gone are the days when your users could “prairie dog” over their cube wall to ask a coworker to complete a task. That task assignment and the communication surrounding it must now be facilitated through the EPM tools. Users must participate in the EPM system with consistency and in a standardized manner. An organizational entity should in most cases exist to create, evangelize, and enforce these organizational project management methodologies and standards. This entity is called many names––program management office, project management office, or Center of Excellence.

Typically, the success of an EPM initiative is judged by the quality of the organizational insight delivered by the reports in the EPM toolset. What is often forgotten is that the granularity and accuracy of the reports that EPM delivers is built by the granularity and accuracy of data that are fed into the EPM system. If your Project Center views (where each project is displayed at a summary level) are based on project manager estimations, you will have many fewer touch points into the EPM system, reducing culture change and overall complexity, but providing much less clarity and accuracy into your organization’s portfolio. If, on the other hand, your Project Center views are based on direct participation by the resources doing the work, required training increases, the number of touch points into EPM increases greatly, and the culture change is significantly greater. The payoff is invaluable, providing accurate and detailed insight into your organization’s capacity, load, cost, and overall health is invaluable.


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jQuery In Action

jQuery in Action (cover)A good web development framework anticipates what you need to do and makes those tasks easier and more efficient; jQuery practically reads your mind. Developers of every stripe-hobbyists and professionals alike-fall in love with jQuery the minute they’ve reduced 20 lines of clunky JavaScript into three lines of elegant, readable code. This new, concise JavaScript library radically simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages.

jQuery in Action, like jQuery itself, is a concise tool designed to make you a more efficient and effective web developer. In a short 300 pages, this book introduces you to the jQuery programming model and guides you through the major features and techniques you’ll need to be productive immediately. The book anchors each new concept in the tasks you’ll tackle in day-to-day web development and offers unique lab pages where you immediately put your jQuery knowledge to work.

There are dozens of JavaScript libraries available now, with major companies like Google, Yahoo and AOL open-sourcing their in-house tools. This book shows you how jQuery stacks up against other libraries and helps you navigate interaction with other tools and frameworks.

jQuery in Action offers a rich investigation of the up-and-coming jQuery library for client-side JavaScript.
This book covers all major features and capabilities in a manner focused on getting the reader up and running with jQuery from the very first sections. Web Developers reading this book will gain a deep understanding of how to use jQuery to simplify their pages and lives, as well as learn the philosophy behind writing jQuery-enhanced pages.

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