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Rabu, 01 April 2009

Encyclopedia of Archaeology

Book Description
Encyclopedia of Archaeology, these first volumes in what is to be a five-volume set are a commendable undertaking by Murray, who has gathered together practicing archaeologists to reflect “on the lives and work of their forebears, colleagues, and teachers” and to contribute to an understanding of the significance and potential consequences of their work within the culture and society of the time in which it was produced. To be included, the subject must have “made a major contribution to the development of archaeology as a discipline.”

There are 58 entries arranged chronologically from William Camden (1551^-1623) to David Clarke (1938^-1976). Ten were still living at the time of publication. A few of the biographical profiles were written by archaeologists who are featured in entries of their own–Lewis Binford, James B. Griffin, and Eric Higgs among them. Each entry begins with an italicized summary of the individual’s main contributions to the discipline. The evolution of archaeological practice and theory becomes a fascinating story as the work of many individuals, largely unknown to the general public, is traced through their biographies.


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