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Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

Auto Insurance Tips That Work And Save You Money Pdf

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"Auto Insurance Tips That Work And Save You Money".
1. Shop around. The difference in price between various companies can be significant. What one company may consider a high risk factor another company may not view as so important. When receiving quotes be sure to ask the agent does the company charge any endorsement fees? These fees can range from $20 to $30 just for making any type of change to your existing policy. By comparing multiple auto insurance quotes, you could discover hundreds of dollars of savings. A particularly good time to investigate your alternatives is when your current policy is about to be up for renewal, especially if you find that your premium has gone up. You may be surprised to learn that auto insurance premiums for the exact same coverage on the same car can vary widely (by hundreds of dollars) between different insurers, even in states that regulate auto insurance rates. Going without insurance is generally not an option. In most states, you are required by law to purchase a minimum amount of liability coverage for the car you own and drive. Also, you should probably have more than just the bare minimum if you want to provide yourself with adequate protection.

2. Buy a lower profile car. Cars are rated on a risk scale for auto insurance purposes. In general, sports cars and other high-performance, flashy vehicles are classified as higher risks because they are common targets for thieves and vandals, and because statistically, the people who own them tend to drive more recklessly. If you own such a vehicle, you will likely pay a higher premium than if you owned a station wagon, sedan, or other low-risk vehicle.

3. Consider Third Party Only coverage. A third party only insurance policy is the minimum amount of coverage legally required - it is also the cheapest. Generally speaking you should consider opting for this type of policy if your vehicle is of low value. In the unfortunate event of having an accident, any damage to a third party vehicle will be covered but any damage to your vehicle is not. However, if your vehicle is of little value then you may not be too concerned. It may not be worth paying extra for a Fully Comprehensive policy in these circumstances.

4. Maintain a good credit rating. More and more insurance companies are adopting credit scoring techniques as part of the overall calculation of your car insurance premium.

Download Free ebook Auto Insurance Tips That Work And Save You Money.

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